Am I born yetA woman (Sacha Bulthuis)
Takes a walk through her memories Looks around Sees people arguing, fighting... Struggles to hear what they try to say But she knows them She thinks She tells about what she sees. Images, flavors and passions of long gone days cross her path again. What is her place in this? is this really the past she sees here, or is it all just fantasy? And what if it all happens right now? is real? where is she? Am I born yet? On inspiration of the phenomenon 'near death experience' Theatre-group Apple, Director: Gerardjan Rijnders |
Theatre group the Appel
Toneelgroep De Appel is the most important company in the Netherlands when
it comes to extraordinary and extensively staged productions, both at home and abroad. Concerning artistic appearance and appeal to the public, it's impossible to imagine the Dutch theatre scenery without De Appel. Most of the performances can be seen in the group's own Appeltheater. A unique building that each time provides a surprise to the audience; making them imagine themselves to be in a completely new surrounding. However, Toneelgroep De Appel is more than just a building. De Appel also performs at other special locations, such as on the beach of Scheveningen, on the Frisian island Terschelling or in Cape Town. An excellent ensemble of actors - in which all generations are represented - form the core of the company; all this under the guidance of Aus Greidanus. The directions are carried out by Aus Greidanus, David Geysen, Geert de Jong and guest directors. |