Spectacular performance'Boredom is the enchanting bird that hatches the egg of experience' Walter Benjamin, philosopher 1892-1940 A Buddhist spectacle out in the dunes of the dutch Oerol festival. We live in an age of spectacular experiences, everything is about the possibilities and high potential. The original search of a human being is translated in a continuous movement from one thing to the other. We need this movement to feel that we're experiencing life itself. This is how an experience has become something you do, until you're pushed or pulled to the next thing, to experience something else. We're being moved. We lack the instinct to isolate an action and do it with full attention. More and more we seem to live from the belief that the core of things isn't in the depth of things but spread about the surface. We choose to make an action lighter and get it over with quickly to get on to the next. Movement is our highest value and we are never bored. Credits: Concept and directors: Suzan Boogaerdt, Bianca van der Schoot Actors: Marijn Brussaard, Koen Kreulen, Toon Kuijpers, Daan Simons, Dwayne Toemere, Roel Voorbij, Erik Whien, David Zarate Calderon Set: Marc Warning Image concept: Esther Noyons Photographs: Sofie Knijff |