What does Yoghurt, a car, love, a flood,
paper and the sun have in common? More than U think, I can even say, everything! This is a story about energy The energy you get, when you start screaming out loud for joy The energy it costs to make a bowl of yoghurt And the energy you can make with the wheels of your bike and you might say yeah, yeah, blah blah, in this manner you can combine everything together... And yes, that's right, you can! Energy is something big, something that's all-inclusive something we all need to survive And this is where the adventure starts Because the environmental gang is going to create energy. With a big amount of kids, allover the Netherlands To find out, how we can win energy, and spread it Loads of energy for good things, like tree's, schools, recycling, windmills, solar panels To declare love to the bike, one of the most pretty discoveries ever To make up new ideas to help the environment The environmental gang is interactive theater and an educational workshop combined, for kids at primary schools. Start thinking about your environment and help us solve the problems with new fresh and creative ideas. Come on kids! Ongoing since 2009 see for yourself... |